Official Visit to Our Partner 'Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University' Russia

Within the scope of Erasmus 107 Staff Training Mobility, Vusala Aghayeva (International Programs Coordinator) and Ayşe Tuğba Kar (Promotion & Communication Specialist) visited our partner university Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU).

Alla Mazina (Vice President of SPbPU International Education Office), Elizaveta Sukhova (Erasmus Coordinator), Prof. Dr. Kolosova Olga Vladimirovna (Director of the Institute of Technological Entrepreneurship), Assoc. Dr. Kireev Arthur Genrikhovich and Dr. Nazim Aghayev (Prof. of Engineering Faculty at FSMVU) attended the official meeting between the representatives of both universities. The meeting agenda was to establish connections between academicians, and their institutions by strengthening negotiation for cooperation toward new joint studies.

Dr. Kolosova and Assoc. Dr. Kireev from SpbPU will be joining FSMVU as a mobility staff this October 2022. Within their mobility-related program, it has been planned to hold a seminar and workshop titled ‘Time Management’ as a continuation and application of TRIZ science. Concurrently, SPbPU discussed the idea of ​​designing mutual curricula for the "Joint Degree" programs in the fields of Engineering and Business with our university.