Visit of Singaporean Students to Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University

On January 5, 2023, the Faculty of Islamic Sciences of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University welcomed a team of 25 students from Madrasah Al-Sagoff Al-Arabiah School Singapore. Within the Department of International Relations scope, we shared general information about our university’s mission, vision, and internationalization policy.

In the first half of the meeting, we gave a presentation addressing prospective students' questions focusing on the international student application admission process, registration, and final enrollment. In the second half of the meeting, Faculty of Islamic Sciences Research Assistant Mesut Yurdayanık shared information about the education policy of the faculty, the education curriculum, and the opportunities offered by the faculty and answered the queries of the students.

In the last half of the meeting, we had a tour of our Fatih Campus and ended the session with a souvenir and photo shoot.